09 February 2011

Creative Outlets

Lately, a lot of the pain I experienced after birth has come back, and I feel it is my number one priority to get better. Mark has been wonderful, tidying up and cooking a lot over the last few days as well as helping with the baby so that I can stay off my feet as much as possible, but I have discovered I truly hate a day in which I haven’t done anything much. So today, after gradually getting basic housework tasks and washing done, and spending some time learning new Portuguese words, out came the paints and brushes! I wasn’t the only one to indulge in this, as Mark soon joined in on the fun.
This is the first proper painting I’ve done in a while, and I think I need a bit more practise before I’m back to my old ability. I have a feeling a collection of paintings of Josiah is on the way. Mark’s painting was of me, though I’m not sure why I became a pirate…
I very much admire people who are creative, particularly housewives and mothers who find time to expand their talents. There are many people who I emulate in this area, and I just hope I can spend time on developing skills and talents that I can use to enrich peoples lives, and teach my children.


  1. i love your painting!!!! i painted a picture of jasper as well! there is something about your own baby that makes you want to make every project or task revolve around them!
    that sucks that you still feel pain, have you asked your doctor about it?
    Josiah is so stinking cute! he has the cutest cheeks!

  2. Heehee thanks and thanks! Yeah, you just love them to pieces...plus he is a really good thing to practise painting on! I had my post natal yesterday...its just going to take me a good while to heal by the looks of it.
    Hope you're feeling better!
