17 September 2014

Day 2: Sleep.

There has only been one night since Rosie was born that she has slept through the night. I remember waking up feeling awesome. It made me realise just how wonderful an unbroken night is.

Not only that, but me and Mark had got into a rather bad habit of just "one more" episode of whatever it is we are watching on netflix together, resulting in far to many half 10/11 o clock bedtimes. Is it any wonder I feel like I haven't been fulfilling my potential? (We have lately however, made a commitment that we will only ever watch one episode (if we watch anything) so that the T.V. doesn't just take over our free time).

So it was two nights ago that I decided that it was time to do what it takes to get more sleep despite whatever happens during the night. That night we went to bed at half past nine, and hoped for a good catch up. Instead, Rosie demanded two long feeds and Josiah was up at half past 4 for some reason, and took a very long time to settle again. Usually if I have one or even two disturbances I manage to keep myself sleepy and get back to sleep easily once in my own bed. But not this time. It was only thanks to my awesome husband who got up at half 6 to let me catch another hour that I wasn't a complete zombie the next day. And what's really annoying is that this pattern repeated itself the next night.

But it would be a lot worse if we hadn't headed to bed at nine.

It really is a sacrifice, because we have only the time from when the children are in bed some time between 7 and 8 until we go to bed to have any sort of child free life. And usually there are some chores to do in that time.

But if I am going to improve my life sacrifices must be made. So today I am making a commitment, to early nights.

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