29 April 2011


“It’s like we live in two different worlds.” These were Mark’s words as we looked out of the train window where buildings with orange roofs reflecting the hot sun whizzed by. We were on the last leg of our long journey, and more than ready to arrive home after nine days to the hour. I had to agree with him. We had just spent a wonderful week with family and friends, travelling from Portugal then the south to north of England and trying to make sure we were fair with the time we spent with different people. Though we enjoyed our time, I don’t want to get in a car, bus, train or plane for a while! We also stayed in 5 different houses in that time, and even our wonderfully happy and complacent baby was starting to show signs of being unsettled.


Cheeky Josiah waiting to go on his first plane journey. He delighted everyone by filling his nappy just before take off…We had to hold our breath (or try to) until we were cruising before I could change him! His nappies tend to be quite toxic after waiting a week to fill it.

Having not been home for seven and a half months, it was not surprising how different it felt. Though everyone said it was warm, I spent the time generally feeling rather cold. Also, I kept forgetting that I could talk to strangers, something I normally have to grab Mark to do! We were lucky to have help from a number of strangers as we struggled through London with three bags, a baby and a three wheeled pram (after a loose wheel fell on the train tracks just as we were getting on our very first train in London). We found the situation quite hilarious really, and were lucky enough to get a new pram on offer when we arrived at our destination.


Fish and chips, carvery and a cooked breakfast were all on the menu. Good old English cuisine.

We spent two days with the whole of my family working on my lovely sister Jenny’s house doing painting, gardening and the like. I really love how our family pulls together to help each other, and I hope that Jenny feels the love we all have for her and her children. We also got to spend time eating lovely food prepared by the culinary genius that is Elizabeth, and delicious chocolate made by big sister Helen. My favourite moments however were introducing Josiah to his many cousins, particularly Isaac who we had never seen before. Isaac is three months older than Josiah, and was born just after we arrived here in Portugal. He and Josiah are already best pals…Josiah laughed hysterically at everything Isaac did! It also didn’t take long after meeting his cousins for Josiah to start emitting very cute and loud noises.



Bestest buddies already!


We then spent two days with Marks family. The Saturday was fantastic, as that was the first Burdon get together that hadn’t happened on a Sunday. Even Jemma with brand new baby Amelie came, and Heather who is expecting her next little one any day now. It was great to get to know everyone better, and I was particularly chuffed that our nieces and nephews on that side finally know the difference between Auntie Laura and Auntie Kathy! We also had a lovely Sunday dinner and watched Heather and Dave’s children doing their Easter hunt, which was quite magical. Shame I had lost our camera for those two days.


Kenzie standing guard over Josiah while he had a grandma cuddle. I was worried Josiah would be allergic to Kenzie and my dream of one day having a dog would be scuppered. No such luck Mark!

We love England, with it’s patchwork fields and bargain shops. We love all of our family and friends there. While we were there we couldn’t imagine being in Portugal, and the previous time there felt like it had been a dream. But then when we arrived back here, we felt the same way about England. We honestly can’t decide which place we enjoy being in more. I guess we are just the sort of people who can make anywhere home, and enjoy where and when we are. For that, I am very grateful.


Josiah just before winning a naughty taste of ice cream sauce. Oh how he wanted a spoonful!

1 comment:

  1. Great fun to read, Kathy. Super pictures. Lovely to be able to see what you are doing and thank you for sharing all your thoughts.
